The harvest strategy approach has been well studied by scientists from around the globe as they seek to understand how to best implement this type of management for various species, each with their own set of biological characteristics and environmental conditions. The process by which this policy is shaped at different organizations varies, and these studies look to those processes to help outline and recommend best practices for harvest strategies and management strategy evaluation (MSE).

This list offers just a small subset of publications that are available on this topic. Do you think there is an important publication missing from this list? Let us know, and it can be added!

Wilson A, Miller S, Galland G. 2023. Management procedure development in RFMOs offer lessons for strategic and impactful stakeholder engagement and collaboration. Frontiers in Marine Science. Vol. 10.

Pipernos S, Galland G, Miller S. 2023 Tuna Regional Fisheries Management Organizations Need to Prioritize Transition to Management Procedures. Fisheries Magazine. 48: 6 pg. 247 – 254.

Scott F, N Yao, RD Scott. 2022. AMPLE: An R package for capacity building on fisheries harvest strategies. PLoS ONE. 17: 1-14

Glen Holmes and Shana Miller. 2021. Harvest strategies and allocation – A chicken and egg scenario? Marine Policy 135:104871.

Tobias K. Mildenberger, Casper W. Berg, Alexandros Kokkalis, Adrian R. Hordyk, Chantel Wetzel, Nis S. Jacobsen, AndrΓ© E. Punt, J. Rasmus Nielsen. 2021. Implementing the precautionary approach into fisheries management: Biomass reference points and uncertainty buffers. Fish and Fisheries 00:1-20.

Dichmont CM, NA Dowling, S Pascoe, T Cannard, RJ Pears, S Breen, T Roberts, GM Leigh, M Mangel. 2020. Operationalizing Triple Bottom Line Harvest Strategies. ICES Journal of Marine Science fsaa033: 1-12.

Hoshino E, R Hillary, C Davies, F Satria, L Sadiyah, T Ernawati, C Proctor. 2020. Development of pilot empirical harvest strategies for tropical tuna in Indonesian archipelagic waters: Case studies of skipjack and yellowfin tuna. Fisheries Research 227: 105539.

Pascoe S, T Cannard, NA Dowling, CM Dichmont, S Breen, T Roberts, RJ Pears, GM Leigh. 2019. Developing Harvest Strategies to Achieve Ecological, Economic and Social Sustainability in Multi-Sector Fisheries. Sustainability 11: 644.

Merino G, H Arrizabalaga, I Arregui, J Santiago, H Murua, A Urtizberea, E Andonegi, P De Bruyn, LT Kell. 2019. Adaptation of North Atlantic Albacore Fishery to Climate Change: Yet Another Potential Benefit of Harvest Control Rules. Frontiers in Marine Science 6:1-14.

Deroba JJ, SK Gaichas, M Lee, RG Feeney, D Boelke, BJ Irwin. 2018. The dream and the reality: meeting decision-making time frames while incorporating ecosystem and economic models into management strategy evaluation. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76:1112-1133.

Feeny RG, DV Boelke, JJ Deroba, S Gaichas, BJ Irwin, M Lee. 2018. Integrating management strategy evaluation into fisheries management: advancing best practices for stakeholder inclusion based on an MSE for Northeast US Atlantic herring. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76:1103-1111.

Goethel DR, SM Lucey, AM Berger, SK Gaichas, MA Karp, PD Lynch, JF Walter, JJ Deroba, S Miller, MJ Wilberg. 2018. Closing the feedback loop: On stakeholder participation in management strategy evaluation. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76:1895-1913.

Miller SK, A Anganuzzi, DS Butterworth, CR Davies, GP Donovan, A Nickson, RA Rademeyer, V Restrepo. 2018. Improving communication: the key to more effective MSE processes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76:643–656.

Nakatsuka S. 2017. Management strategy evaluation in regional fisheries management organizations βˆ’ How to promote robust fisheries management in international settings. Fisheries Research 187:127-138.

Punt AE. 2017. Strategic management decision-making in a complex world: quantifying, understanding, and using trade-offs. ICES Journal of Marine Science 74: 499–510.

Hillary RM, AL Preece, CR Davies, H Kurota, O Sakai, T Itoh, AM Parma, DS Butterworth, J Ianelli, TA Branch. 2016. A scientific alternative to moratoria for rebuilding depleted international tuna stocks. Fish and Fisheries 17:469-482.

Punt AE, DS Butterworth, CL de Moor, JAA De Oliveira, M Haddon. 2016. Management strategy evaluation: best practices. Fish and Fisheries 17:303-334.

Dowling NA, CM Dichmont, M Haddon, DC Smith, ADM Smith, K Sainsbury. 2015. Guidelines for developing formal harvest strategies for data-poor species and fisheries. Fisheries Research 171:130-140.

Fulton EA, ADM Smith, DC Smith, P Johnson. 2014. An integrated approach is needed for ecosystem based fisheries management: insights from ecosystem-level management strategy evaluation. PLoS ONE 9.

Butterworth DS. 2007. Why a management procedure approach? Some positives and negatives. ICES Journal of Marine Science 64:613-617.

Punt AE and GP Donovan. 2007. Developing management procedures that are robust to uncertainty: lessons from the International Whaling Commission. ICES Journal of Marine Science 65:603-612.

Rademeyer RA, EE Plaganyi, DS Butterworth. 2007. Tips and tricks in designing management procedures. ICES Journal of Marine Science 64:618-625.

De Oliveira AA and DS, Butterworth. 2004. Developing and refining a joint management procedure for the multispecies South African pelagic fishery. ICES Journal of Marine Science 61:1432-1442.

Smith ADM. 2004. Management strategy evaluation: the light on the hill. Population Dynamics for Fisheries Management 1:249-253.

Butterworth DS and AE Punt. 1999. Experiences in the evaluation and implementation of management procedures. ICES Journal of Marine Science 56:985-998.

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