Progress and Challenges in Pacific Fisheries Management at WCPFC

The 2024 Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) meeting marked notable advancements in fisheries management. For the first time, a billfish species in the Pacific will undergo a management strategy evaluation (MSE). WCPFC agreed to develop an MSE framework for south Pacific swordfish starting in 2025, setting the stage for designing a future management procedure (MP) for the stock.

Another milestone was support for a joint pan-Pacific working group with the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) on south Pacific albacore tuna. This group would aim to enhance stock management and monitoring while supporting WCPFC’s development of an MP. Its success now hinges on IATTC’s endorsement at its 2025 annual meeting. Additionally, progress was made on bigeye tuna, with the adoption of three candidate target reference points (TRPs) for evaluation in MSE. These TRPs provide critical flexibility for aligning multi-species targets. On skipjack tuna, a monitoring plan for the existing MP was successfully adopted, bolstering ongoing management.

Despite these gains, efforts to establish a south Pacific albacore MP faltered. This setback spurred industry warnings about potential Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification suspensions if an agreement isn’t reached in 2025. An intersessional working group has been scheduled for next year.

With steps forward on swordfish, albacore, bigeye, and skipjack, the WCPFC must maintain momentum by scheduling intersessional meetings and resolving outstanding challenges to secure critical agreements in 2025 and beyond.

Banner image: A swordfish captured in an offshore longline. Image courtesy of Andre Seale / Marine Photobank.

ICCAT Advances Management Procedures for 8 Key Stocks

The ICCAT annual meeting wrapped up on Monday in Limassol, Cyprus. Management procedures (MPs) were the big winners of the meeting, with progress made on eight different stocks. This remarkable advancement affirmed ICCAT’s commitment to transitioning its management to MPs as a more science-based and transparent approach to achieving long-term sustainability for its $5.4 billion fisheries.

North Atlantic Swordfish: A Landmark Success

An MP was adopted for North Atlantic swordfish, marking ICCAT’s first MP for a non-tuna species. Twenty-five years ago, there was a boycott of North Atlantic swordfish, given its dire status. Today, the stock is fully recovered, and the new MP will lock in this abundance and ensure a vibrant fishery for years to come. The MP was also evaluated to ensure that it can be responsive to any negative impacts of climate change on swordfish abundance, ensuring a sustainable system even in a changing ocean.

The northern swordfish catch limit will increase by 12% next year, the first catch increase for swordfish since 2002. Importantly, the adopted MP is called “MCC,” which stands for “Mostly Constant Catch,” as it is designed to secure long-term stability in the fishery, which is good for business, both on fishing vessels and in seafood markets.

West Atlantic Skipjack: Significant Progress Despite Delay

While we had hoped an MP would be adopted for West Atlantic skipjack, ICCAT members decided that they needed a bit more information before selecting a specific MP. They, therefore, stopped just short of MP adoption, finalizing operational management objectives and giving clear guidance on how to put the finishing touches on the management strategy evaluation (MSE), the results of which will determine the MP to be adopted next November. This still remarks tremendous progress and is cause for celebration.

Forward Momentum for Other Important Stocks

ICCAT also agreed to interim management objectives for the other three tropical tunas – bigeye, yellowfin, and East Atlantic skipjack. The new measure contains important information to guide and reinvigorate the multispecies MSE underway for those stocks, calling for MP adoption in 2026. We note that the 50% probability of having each of the stocks not overfished and not subject to overfishing is a minimum standard for MP development, and we will work with ICCAT members to ensure that the likelihood is raised to at least 60% for the final MP. A coin flip’s chance of success is insufficient, especially given the number of livelihoods and coastal communities that depend on these stocks.

South Atlantic albacore and North and South Atlantic blue sharks round out the list of MP actions, with objectives agreed upon for the former and all three stocks added to ICCAT’s MSE workplan.

Charting a Sustainable Future

The outcomes of the Cyprus meeting reaffirm ICCAT’s leadership in global fisheries management. By adopting a new MP and providing guidance on MP development for 7 other stocks, ICCAT is charting a path toward more sustainable and resilient big fish fisheries. The Commission is well-positioned to secure the long-term health of these key resources and the communities that depend on them. The coming year will be pivotal as these initiatives take shape, and we at look forward to continuing to engage as a stakeholder in the process.

Taking Action in Suva: The WCPFC’s Critical Role in Securing the Future for Key Fisheries

The Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) annual meeting in Suva, Fiji, presents an opportunity to tackle critical fisheries issues impacting the region. From tuna to swordfish, Pacific fisheries are vital resources, providing food security, economic support, and cultural value to numerous island communities and nations. However, these fisheries face significant challenges with pressures from declining catch rates, climate impacts, and competing economic demands. This year’s meeting could be a turning point, as WCPFC members are set to discuss and potentially adopt management measures that can secure a sustainable future for key stocks, including South Pacific albacore, bigeye, yellowfin, and skipjack tunas.

To meet these challenges, the WCPFC must adopt modern management procedures to reinforce scientific collaboration and establish support structures for ongoing development. Taking action on these fronts will ensure that fisheries across the Western and Central Pacific are resilient and sustainable for future generations.

A Management Procedure for South Pacific Albacore

The South Pacific Group and Australia have proposed an interim management procedure (MP) for the South Pacific albacore fishery, which has undergone extensive testing through management strategy evaluation (MSE). Adopting this MP would mark a significant step forward in modernizing fisheries management in the region, securing a sustainable future for this economically and culturally important stock.

Implementation Through a New Conservation and Management Measure

To realize the benefits of the MP, the WCPFC must commit to developing a new conservation and management measure that will be implemented. This concept from the South Pacific Group is proposed to be further developed with a target of being adopted in 2025 so the MP can be implemented from 2026 onward. By committing to this measure, the WCPFC will ensure that the MP’s objectives are upheld across the entire Convention Area, providing consistent management that can respond to changing environmental and economic conditions.

Building Regional Cooperation with a Joint Working Group

South Pacific albacore is a shared resource, and effective management requires cooperation. The United States has proposed establishing a joint South Pacific albacore working group with the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC). This group would enable WCPFC and IATTC to coordinate efforts, share data, and implement aligned management approaches. Establishing this joint working group in 2025 would enhance the region’s capacity to sustainably manage a fishery that spans both Convention Areas, ensuring a cohesive approach that benefits all stakeholders. The South Pacific albacore MSE already accounts for mortality in the eastern Pacific, so it should not preclude the adoption of an MP for the stock at WCPFC this year.

Strengthening Regional Fisheries Management Across Other Key Stocks

Beyond the South Pacific albacore, the WCPFC has a broader responsibility to adopt modern, science-based management for other critical stocks. During this year’s meeting, the Commission should prioritize the following actions:

  1. Adopt Target Reference Points for Bigeye and Yellowfin Tunas
    Establishing target reference points (TRPs) for bigeye and yellowfin tunas is essential to achieving sustainable fishing levels across the Pacific. Setting these benchmarks will provide a foundation for sustainable management practices and ensure that stocks remain healthy.
  2. Implement a Monitoring Strategy for Skipjack Tuna
    The adoption of an MP for skipjack tuna in 2022 was a significant milestone, but further progress is needed. Implementing a skipjack monitoring strategy will allow the WCPFC to review and adjust its management approach over time, ensuring it remains effective in response to changing environmental and stock conditions.
  3. Establish the Science-Management Dialogue (SMD) Group as a Permanent Body
    The SMD Group has been invaluable in advancing the development of the South Pacific albacore MP and facilitating stakeholder collaboration. The WCPFC can provide a dedicated forum for science-based management discussions by making this group permanent.
  4. Develop an MP for South West Pacific Swordfish
    At the recent Scientific Committee meeting (SC20), Australia announced its intention to develop an MP for South West Pacific swordfish, a critical resource for the region. The WCPFC should endorse this initiative, with development to begin following the 2025 stock assessment. Proactive management for SWP swordfish will ensure that this fishery remains resilient and sustainable.

A Pivotal Moment for Regional Fisheries

The WCPFC’s annual meeting in Suva presents a vital opportunity to set the course for sustainable fisheries management in the Pacific. By adopting the proposed MP for South Pacific albacore, advancing other management measures, and establishing permanent support structures like the SMD Group, the Commission can protect the region’s valuable fish stocks and support the communities that depend on them. Now is the time for decisive action, collaboration, and commitment to a sustainable future for Pacific fisheries.

Seizing the Future: ICCAT’s Next Steps for Sustainable Tuna and Swordfish Management

The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) is about a decade into management procedure (MP) development for its fisheries. There’s a lot to be proud of. The iconic – and controversial – Atlantic bluefin tuna fisheries are now managed under an MP, with science-based catch limits in place. Since its adoption in 2017, the North Atlantic albacore rule has allowed stock growth alongside catch increases each cycle, including in 2020, when a global pandemic prevented the annual meeting. As the 2024 annual meeting convenes in Limassol, Cyprus, later this week, ICCAT has the opportunity to add two more stocks to its list of MP-managed species and to make a plan to take ICCAT’s management strategy evaluation (MSE) efforts into the next decade.

First and foremost, the much-anticipated North Atlantic swordfish management procedure is up for adoption, with proposals submitted by Canada and the United States/European Union. The two proposals are very similar, with placeholder text for agreement on one of the five remaining MP options, all of which will increase catches, are projected to meet conservation objectives and take climate change considerations into account. As a result, ICCAT can’t go wrong with adopting any of these five candidate MPs in Cyprus.

Championed by Brazil from the MSE development to the MP proposal up for consideration at this meeting, Western Atlantic skipjack tuna is another stock ready for MP adoption. As this will be the first-ever management measure covering the stock, the plan is to adopt an MP this year, conduct some additional MSE testing, and develop a method to implement the MP-based catch limit next year to have the MP go into effect in 2026. Learn more about the MP options here.

Once ICCAT adopts MPs for northern swordfish and western skipjack, ICCAT will be done with five of the eight stocks identified for MSE development back in 2015. The three remaining stocks are all part of the multi-stock tropical tunas MSE – bigeye, yellowfin, and eastern Atlantic skipjack tuna. To advance this work toward completion, ICCAT should adopt conceptual management objectives for the stock, as proposed by the United States. The European Union has submitted a competing proposal, but it includes unacceptably risky objectives for all three stocks. Both proposals call for MP adoption in 2026, requiring the MSE development work to start back up in earnest.

With only one more MSE in initial development, it is also time to consider additional stocks of interest for MSE development. South Atlantic albacore is a good candidate since significant uncertainty caused the most recent stock assessment to fail, and an MSE-tested MP could help to improve the management of the fishery. We applaud South Africa for proposing to start developing an MP for the stock and urge ICCAT to adopt PA3-701.

Other stocks that have diverse stakeholder and ICCAT member interest in MSE include South Atlantic swordfish and North and South Atlantic blue sharks, and we urge ICCAT to add them to the MSE roadmap alongside South Atlantic albacore using a streamlined MSE development process based on the lessons learned over the past decade.  

This year’s FAO SOFIA report noted substantial progress in stock status of tunas, with 87% of tuna stocks fished sustainably, up from 66% just two years prior. The report credited MSE advancement for these “positive results.” This year, ICCAT should add to this success by adopting an MP for northern swordfish and western skipjack, as well as management objectives for the multistock tropical tunas MSE, and adding four new stocks for MSE development. This will help secure ICCAT’s contributions to better news in the next SOFIA report. Let’s hope ICCAT members seize the day!

Webinar: Harvest Strategies 101・漁獲戦略の紹介 ・你不可不知的漁獲策略 「中国語、日本語、韓国語の通訳あり」(2024) 🇯🇵

Advancing Sustainable Fisheries Management in the Mediterranean

The Mediterranean Sea is already home to one of the more well-known harvest strategies – adopted for Mediterranean bluefin tuna in 2022. Fishing for that species has been at high levels for thousands of years, and the harvest strategy implemented by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas should allow for long-term sustainability of today’s fisheries. Now, another regional fisheries management organization with jurisdiction over most of the fisheries in the Mediterranean has an opportunity to adopt its first two harvest strategies.

The General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) has its annual Commission meeting next week, from the 4th to the 8th of November in Rome, Italy. Among other items, the group has an opportunity to adopt harvest control rules (HCRs) for sardines and anchovies in the Adriatic. If members – led by the European Union, Albania, and Montenegro – can agree to adoption this year, it will represent a big step forward for GFCM and for fisheries in the region.

Currently, more than half of the stocks in the Mediterranean are subject to overfishing, but the Commission is making strides to reverse some of those downward trends, and fishing has been reduced to sustainable levels for one of its iconic stocks, the European hake in the Strait of Sicily.  Now, the opportunity to adopt HCRs for fisheries targeting the commercially- and ecologically important sardine and anchovy populations in the Adriatic can further demonstrate positive action at the GFCM.  These small pelagic species not only support processing industries throughout the area, but they provide important forage for other wildlife.  A precautionary HCR should preserve their role in the ecosystem.

While the HCRs under consideration by the Commission have been tested through management strategy evaluation and generally follow Commissioners’ guidance, it would be good to include the other components of a full management procedure (MP) when considering adoption. Recording the fisheries indicators and assessment methods that are needed to implement the HCR is best practice. If these items are not adopted this year, that should be a priority for GFCM during the early implementation phase.

In addition to these proposed HCRs, GFCM should continue its commitment to developing and adopting harvest strategies by following the advice of its scientists and advancing work on the blackspot seabream in the western Mediterranean, the European hake and benthic shrimp fisheries in the Strait of Sicily, and the dolphinfish (or mahimahi) across the whole region.  These actions will require support and leadership from the European Union, Morocco, and Tunisia, among others.

GFCM has already demonstrated a commitment to adopting harvest strategies for its priority stocks, a big step in the right direction for fisheries management in the Mediterranean.  If they are successful in adopting or advancing all these efforts, next week’s meeting will be one to remember.

Guest Blog: Building Capacity and Ensuring Compliance – My Journey with Harvest Strategies

When I first delved into the world of harvest control rules and harvest strategies in 2011 during my time with WWF as their global tuna lead, I saw it as a critical opportunity to ensure sustainable fisheries. At the time, except for Southern Bluefin Tuna, none of the tuna RFMOs had established effective harvest strategies, despite the clear benefits they offered. It was a moment where the scientific community, NGOs, and some in the industry began to rally around this concept, recognizing that pre-agreed frameworks for managing fishing effort could mitigate the volatility and short-term pressures that often dominate RFMO negotiations.

A key challenge we encountered early on was the lack of understanding among stakeholders, particularly those outside the scientific realm. Harvest strategies were often perceived as a ‘black box’ solution—complex and intimidating. This is where capacity building became essential. Working on the Common Oceans Project, we hosted a series of workshops, using interactive tools to demystify harvest strategies and get participants actively involved in shaping their development. I remember one workshop vividly: participants were surprised to learn that there isn’t always a single “right” answer when mapping out a harvest strategy. Different components, such as reference points and harvest control rules, can be arranged in multiple ways, depending on the needs of specific fisheries. This flexibility is one of the greatest strengths of harvest strategies, allowing them to be tailored to the unique challenges each fishery faces.

Figuring out Harvest Strategies. Common Oceans ICCAT Workshop, Dakar, Senegal, 2018. Photo by Daniel Suddaby.

While we’ve made significant progress—tuna RFMOs have adopted several harvest control rules in recent years—the true challenge lies ahead: effective implementation. In the Indian Ocean, for example, despite adopting harvest control rules for skipjack tuna, we’ve seen significant non-compliance with recommended catch limits. Moving forward, compliance isn’t just about enforcement. It’s about fostering goodwill, ensuring all stakeholders feel invested in the long-term goals of sustainable management, and developing fair allocation systems that work for everyone involved.

Figuring out Harvest Strategies. Common Oceans ICCAT Workshop, Dakar, Senegal, 2018. Photo by Daniel Suddaby.

Monitoring and enforcement will also play a crucial role. The adoption of advanced technologies, like electronic monitoring systems and automated data analytics, will be essential to ensuring that harvest strategies work in practice. We’ve already seen fisheries adopt management procedures that integrate such tools, and it’s a model that will need to be expanded globally.

The journey of implementing harvest strategies over the past decade has been transformative. In 2014, I was thrilled to see mainstream media in the UK publish pieces on the need for harvest control rules and the European retailers demanding this—something unheard of when I began this work. Today, many of our GTA partners instantly understand the value of these strategies. This is a credit to all the capacity building that has happened. However, as we look ahead, ensuring robust compliance and continued capacity building will be critical to their long-term success.

At the Global Tuna Alliance (GTA), our global supply chain partners are deeply committed to pushing for progress in this area. Over the next five years, we will leverage our partnerships to advocate for the effective uptake and critical implementation of harvest strategies across all tuna RFMOs, ensuring that our tuna fisheries remain sustainable for future generations.

About the Author: With 20 years of experience in fisheries and marine conservation, Daniel Suddaby has a deep passion for the ocean, marine life, and sustainable fishing practices. He is an expert in tuna, advocacy, and sustainable market tools that drive change in fisheries and seafood supply chains. Prior to joining the GTA, Daniel founded and led the Tuna and Distant Water Fisheries Program at Ocean Outcomes, building effective relationships with longline tuna and supply chain companies to incentivize transformation through tools such as the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) Fishery Improvement Projects. Previously, Daniel spent six years as the Deputy Leader of the World Wild Fund for Nature’s (WWF) global fisheries initiative, leading global engagement in tuna fisheries and advocacy in all Regional Fisheries Management Organisations (RFMOs), and providing strategic direction to WWF International on seafood engagement. He also has experience as a Senior Fisheries Certification Manager for the MSC.

Pacific Possible: Two RFMOs Should Lead the Way By Committing to Develop Management Procedures for Squids

Squid fisheries are some of the most important but undermanaged fisheries worldwide. Cephalopod catches, which include squids, made up about 11 percent of the global catch of marine species in 2022.

Because of their short lifespan, rapid growth, and fluctuation with changes in environmental conditions, applying traditional fisheries management approaches has been challenging. The result: important stocks of squid are being harvested without hard, science-based limits on fishing or even an understanding of the health of the resource.

The management procedure approach offers a solution to the tricky problems involved in squid management. And it could be in the Pacific, the ocean basin where more of the world’s squid is harvested than any other, where management procedures (also called harvest strategies) for squid are demonstrated on an international level.

Two regional fisheries management organizations in the Pacific, the North Pacific Fisheries Commission (NPFC) and South Pacific Fisheries Management Organisation (SPRFMO), have an express remit to manage squids. They are, in fact, the only two RFMOs with squid as a key species covered by their conventions.

This year, NPFC and SPRFMO are taking steps to improve their focus on squid sustainability, but they need to ramp up their efforts to make a lasting impact. NPFC in August held its first small scientific committee meeting focused on neon flying squid to accelerate efforts to develop the first stock assessment for that stock, whose stock status is unknown at the international level. The largest harvesters are China and Japan.

Turning south of the equator, SPRFMO’s Scientific Committee, which is about to begin its annual meeting on Sept. 30, is due to receive a report on the progress of a new task team focused on assisting in the development of SPRFMO’s first stock assessment for jumbo flying squid, whose status also is not estimated by an assessment across its range but is nonetheless being harvested within the Convention Area and members’ Exclusive Economic Zones in the amount of one million metric tons a year. That makes jumbo flying squid in the South Pacific the single largest squid fishery in the world. China is the significant harvester in the international waters, while catches in Peru’s waters are of a similar scale, with lesser catches in Chile’s and Ecuador’s waters.

Both RFMOs have plans to investigate the use of Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE) to better account for the uncertainty in key biological components of their squid fisheries, with potential plans leading to the development of harvest control rules. These aspirations are laudable, but they need to be made much more concrete and translated into actions.

To accelerate their work, members in the two RFMOs should commit to developing full management procedures, tested via MSE. They should also commit to fully sharing scientific and fleet information as necessary to better understand the dynamics of their fisheries, and create science-management dialogue groups with the resources and timelines to efficiently step through the process of developing management procedures.

If data availability problems continue, data-limited approaches should be investigated to develop the MSEs, which could test the performance of simple management procedures against the potential range of different population dynamics (as well as other uncertainties).

Amidst concerns for the global sustainability of squid stocks, with researchers finding that fishing effort on squid increased 68 percent from 2017 to 2020, NPFC and SPRFMO should seize the opportunity to demonstrate how management procedures could help chart out a more sustainable path for these important squid species, one that could be followed by other squid fisheries.

Squids are both a commercially and ecologically important species, playing an integral role in marine ecosystems as prey for swordfish, sharks, tunas, marine mammals, and seabirds. However, concerns over the declining abundance of squid and lack of management measures to safeguard these fisheries cannot be overstated. It’s imperative that NPFC and SPRFMO members advance modern, science-based fisheries management for these species by strengthening data reporting, creating science-management dialogue groups and beginning the development of management procedures.

IATTC Annual Commission Meeting: Key Outcomes and Future Work for 2025

The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) Annual Meeting concluded in Panama City last week, and several important decisions and developments will shape and advance fisheries management in the Eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO) in the coming years. Below are the key harvest strategy-related proposals discussed, their outcomes, and the work ahead for these critical fisheries. 

Science-Management Dialogue (SMD) Working Group

The IATTC agreed to establish a formal Science-Management Dialogue (SMD) group to advance the management strategy evaluation (MSE) process in the EPO. First proposed by the IATTC Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) in 2018, this group will provide a structured forum for guiding harvest strategies. Until now, the Commission has relied on informal MSE workshops, including the most recent one in December 2022, which, while useful for capacity building, lacked the authority to make formal recommendations. Thanks to Ecuador’s proposal, this group will be able to make formal recommendations to the Commission, streamlining progress toward effective and efficient management.

South Pacific Albacore (SPALB) Collaboration
Ecuador’s proposal for improved collaboration between the IATTC and WCPFC for the development of a SPALB harvest strategy was adopted. This collaboration is critical to ensuring effective Pacific-wide management of the stock. IATTC representatives joined the WCPFC’s SMD working group, ensuring that SPALB catches in the EPO are properly accounted for in WCPFC’s developing harvest strategy, which is scheduled for adoption this year.

Tropical Tunas (TT) and Bigeye Tuna (BET) Management
The tropical tunas measure dominated discussions at the meeting. This year’s yellowfin tuna assessment failed, leading to a prolonged debate over how long to extend the current measures. Delegates agreed to adopt a two-year rollover with triggers to review the measure if new information becomes available. While this measure was extended by two years, an MSE-tested harvest strategy is expected for bigeye next year. It is essential to maintain momentum toward this important milestone. IATTC has committed to scheduling at least two workshops/SMD meetings before the 2025 meeting to agree on management objectives and provide feedback on the preliminary MSE results.

Sharks: A New Path Forward
A proposal for improving shark management was adopted, which includes guidance on shark research. This adoption gives IATTC the mandate to work on developing a blue shark MSE, which would align with ongoing efforts at ICCAT and IOTC and improve management for this commercially and ecologically important species. 

FAO and 

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in partnership with, hosted a well-attended side event at the IATTC meeting that highlighted the ongoing work to promote the adoption of harvest strategies for sustainable fisheries management. The event provided a platform to discuss the importance of implementing effective science-based management tools, with a particular focus on how harvest strategies can help safeguard vital fish stocks in the EPO and beyond.

Looking Ahead in 2025
IATTC made significant strides during its annual commission meeting, but much work remains. With several proposals adopted, including the formalization of the SMD working group and advancing cross-commission collaboration on SPALB, the groundwork is laid for continued progress. Harvest strategy priorities for 2025 include the adoption of harvest strategies for bigeye and Pacific bluefin tuna, the first SMD meeting, and the first climate change workshop, which is expected to highlight MSE and harvest strategies as tools to build climate-smart management systems.

Building on the momentum from this meeting, there is strong potential for member countries, scientists, managers, and stakeholders to collaborate effectively and ensure that modern, sustainable fisheries management in the EPO becomes a reality.

Advancing Harvest Strategies in the Eastern Pacific: What’s on Tap Next Week at IATTC

As the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) annual meeting on September 2-6 approaches, key proposals will take center stage, potentially shaping the future sustainability of vital fish stocks in the Eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO). Central to these discussions are harvest strategies—science-based management procedures that are critical for ensuring the long-term health and resilience of our fisheries. The decisions made at this meeting will not only influence the future of fisheries management in the EPO, but also set the stage for addressing challenges like climate change in the region. Therefore, a proactive stance on several key proposals becomes critical.

Proposals that Advance Harvest Strategies

  1. Formalize a Science-Management Dialogue Group for Harvest Strategies 

For several years, the IATTC Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) has recommended the creation of a formal dialogue group to guide the management strategy evaluation (MSE) process for IATTC stocks. Despite these repeated recommendations—starting in 2018 and reiterated multiple times, the Commission has relied on informal MSE workshops. While these workshops, most recently held in December 2022, were useful for initial capacity building, the group’s lack of authority to make recommendations to the Commission has become a significant obstacle. 

The terms of reference for the group have already been preliminarily agreed upon, and the formalization of this dialogue group, as proposed by Ecuador, is now a critical step. This action would empower the group to make formal recommendations, streamlining the path toward effective management. To better understand how an SMD benefits modern fisheries management, read more here.

  1. Preparing EPO Fisheries for the Impacts of Climate Change

Incorporating climate change considerations into IATTC activities is essential since there is already evidence of the impacts of changing ocean conditions on EPO fisheries. Adopting a climate change work plan, endorsed by the IATTC Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) in June, that includes climate-informed stock assessments and integrates with MSE processes signifies a step forward in adaptive and resilient fisheries management.

Proposals that could be Strengthened

  1. Toward Management of South Pacific Albacore (SPALB) in the EPO

Building upon the momentum of adopting the North Pacific Albacore harvest strategy in 2023, there is a need for the IATTC to collaborate with the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) on developing a harvest strategy for South Pacific Albacore, paving the way for comprehensive, Pacific-wide management of the stock. Ecuador’s proposed collaborative measure is a step in the right direction (read it here), but while the harvest strategy is under development, introducing some management for SPALB in the EPO—such as a cap on longline vessels fishing for the stock, as Ecuador had proposed last year—would be prudent. IATTC should reinstate that language and adopt the proposal this year. 

  1. MSE for Sharks 

While Ecuador’s comprehensive shark proposal is commendable, it can be strengthened to include a call to develop an MSE for blue sharks in the EPO, following a model similar to that of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT)

  1. Pacific Bluefin Tuna (PBF) Quota Concerns

Following encouraging news from the 2024 stock assessment that the Pacific bluefin stock is no longer overfished, IATTC members are proposing to increase the quota in the EPO by more than 50%. This is a potentially dangerous increase, given the uncertainty in the assessment. It would be more sensible to delay such a quota increase until an MSE-tested harvest strategy is adopted next year as planned, ensuring that uncertainties are properly addressed.

Missed Opportunities

  1.  Bigeye Tuna (BET)

Establishing clear management objectives ensures a guided and effective MSE process, which is crucial for sustainable management. A harvest strategy is scheduled to be adopted for bigeye next year, but objectives have not yet been agreed. There are now four proposals for amending the current tropical tuna measure. As they get blended into one measure for adoption next week, the final version should include a recommitment to the adoption of a BET harvest strategy in 2025 and a list of preliminary management objectives for the fishery, as proposed by the EU

  1. North Pacific Albacore (NPALB)

We commend the IATTC for creating the first Pacific-wide harvest strategy last year to jointly manage North Pacific Albacore fisheries with WCPFC, a significant milestone in international fisheries management. However, the work is not yet complete. Although the IATTC committed to adopting a methodology for translating the Harvest Control Rule (HCR)-calculated fishing intensity into Total Allowable Catch (TAC) and/or Total Allowable Effort (TAE) in 2024, there is unfortunately no proposal on the table to adopt the conversion. It is, therefore, crucial that the IATTC recommit to finalizing this next year to ensure the harvest strategy can be effectively implemented and deliver on its promise of long-term, sustainable management.


As IATTC convenes next week in Panama, it’s imperative that members and interested parties advocate for the development and adoption of harvest strategies that promise a sustainable future for our fisheries. It’s important to note that the IATTC is currently the only tuna Regional Fisheries Management Organization (tRFMO) that has not implemented a harvest strategy. This gap underscores the urgency for IATTC to adopt and implement a harvest strategy to maintain its leadership in modern, science-based fisheries management.

By supporting enlightened proposals, recommending necessary modifications, and addressing missed opportunities, IATTC can ensure that it stands as a leader in fisheries management, adept at navigating the challenges posed by climate change and other threats. Let’s make this year’s meeting count.