Artículos en la categoría: Blog

WCPFC ends year on high note for harvest strategies

22 décembre 2023

Author——————————- David GershmanOfficer, International Fisheries✉️ When the annual meeting of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) wrapped up December 8th after a marathon 19-hour final day of negotiations in Rarotonga, Cook Islands, members had made significant progress in the development of harvest strategies for skipjack and albacore tunas. Fisheries for skipjack tuna from […]

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In an up and down year, the Pacific comes out on top for harvest strategy development in 2023

18 décembre 2023

2023 began with high expectations for harvest strategies at the tuna-RFMOs. 2022 saw adoption of harvest strategies for 4 tuna stocks, and another four priority stocks were on track for 2023 adoption. At the end of 2022, the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) adopted a multi-stock harvest strategy for Atlantic bluefin […]

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As COP28 nears, harvest strategies will be essential to making climate change resilient fisheries

29 novembre 2023

The sudden closure of the east Bering Sea snow crab fishery for the 2022-2023 season, and now extended for the 2023-2024 season, shocked stakeholders, scientists, and other fisheries experts around the world.  For a fishery once worth $132 million per year and popularized by the reality-tv show Deadliest Catch, the speed, social impact, and potential […]

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Pacific fisheries managers should act to advance management procedures for the world’s largest source of canned tuna

27 novembre 2023

Author——————————- David GershmanOfficer, International Fisheries✉️ The western and central Pacific is the world’s largest source of canned tuna. Skipjack tuna and albacore tuna are the two species predominantly caught for the canned tuna market and which are valued at $10 billion. When the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) meets Dec. 4-8 in Rarotonga, […]

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Guest Blog: Modern Fisheries Management – Including Harvest Strategies – Require Modernized Monitoring Tools

4 décembre 2023

Author——————————- Claire van der GeestPrincipal, Seven Seas Consulting✉️ Harvest strategies improve fisheries management by setting the parameters and boundaries for stakeholder engagement in fisheries management from the outset. In the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC), harvest strategies are being actively progressed through Conservation and Management Measure 2014-06 to develop and implement a harvest […]

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Missed Opportunities to Advance Harvest Strategies at ICCAT

21 novembre 2023

Author——————————- Shana Miller Project Director, International Fisheries Conservation – The Ocean Foundation ✉️ We had high hopes for harvest strategies at the 2023 meeting of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), which just met for 8 days in Cairo, Egypt. Yet, when the gavel dropped yesterday, there was very little progress […]

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Building on last year’s harvest strategies successes, adoption for North Atlantic swordfish and more is on the table for 2023

8 novembre 2023

The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) made history in 2022 by adopting the first ever multi-stock management procedure (MP) for tuna with Eastern and Western Atlantic bluefin. This MP should be finalized this year by adopting an exceptional circumstances protocol (ECP’s) that would guide management in the case of unforeseen events […]

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Why a harvest strategy matters for markets in the Northeast Atlantic’s ‘mackerel war’

30 octobre 2023

Author——————————- Steven AdolfSenior Consultant – Sustainable Fisheries and Ocean ManagementAuthor of “Tuna Wars”✉️ Based on outcomes of recent negotiations on the management of Northeast Atlantic pelagic fish stocks (mackerel, blue whiting and atlanto-scandian herring), the North-East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC) and associated coastal states must urgently revise how they make decisions, involve stakeholders, and function as […]

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Webinar with representatives from all five tuna-RFMOs highlighted the importance of capacity building and other harvest strategy lessons learned.

17 octobre 2023

In April of this year, and FAO announced, “a bold new partnership to promote harvest strategy development and implementation for international tuna fisheries.” This four-year project aims to expand the knowledge base among fishery managers, scientists, industry, and other stakeholders on the benefits of harvest strategies (i.e., management procedures) for sustainable management of international […]

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A path to sustainability emerges for Pacific saury

27 septembre 2023

Will the countries catching Pacific saury cooperate to save the fishery?

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