What is a harvest strategy, also known as a management procedure?

23 de noviembre de 2024

AuthorSara Pipernos
Program Associate, International Fisheries ✉

A harvest strategy, also known as a management procedure, is a pre-agreed framework for making fisheries management decisions (such as catch or effort limits) to achieve a long-term vision for the fish and fishery. Before they are implemented, robust harvest strategies are tested through a process that involves fishery scientists, managers, and other stakeholders, which is called management strategy evaluation (MSE).

Check out our resources to learn more about the basic elements of a harvest strategy and how the process works.

New Blog Alert! - NPFC is taking steps toward incorporating MSE into its decision-making. In our latest blog, Dr. Janelle Curtis explores how a recent MSE capacity-building workshop equips members with the tools to future-proof fisheries in the region.

Missed our webinar on How to Involve Stakeholders and Local Communities in MP & MSE Development? Catch the recording now!

Learn from experts on effective engagement for sustainable fisheries! #HarvestStrategies #FisheriesManagement

Join and our partners 🚨 TODAY 🚨to explore methods for engaging stakeholders and local communities in the Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE) and Management Procedure (MP) development process.

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