30 de agosto de 2022
Ensuring the world’s largest tuna fishery remains sustainable for the long term should be a top priority among the many different member nations of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC). Despite that, the road to developing a management procedure for skipjack tuna has been a long one. A hopeful step, however, was taken recently when members of the WCPFC […]
Leer más10 de agosto de 2022
With terms like target and trigger, one may be forgiven if they mistook a conversation about harvest strategies for one about shooting sports. Nonetheless, it’s an appropriate metaphor for international fisheries management, which has come under fire to improve its performance. Until the mid-20thcentury, fisheries were largely unregulated with very few controls beyond the inherent […]
Leer más5 de agosto de 2022
A historic opportunity to adopt the first ever harvest strategy by a regional fisheries management organization dedicated to tunas (tRFMO) in the Pacific Ocean went unfinished this week at the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission’s (IATTC) 100th meeting held in Phoenix, Arizona, USA. After seven years of development, including management strategy evaluation (MSE) testing and a […]
Leer más20 de mayo de 2022
In a landmark decision by the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC), managers have adopted a management procedure (MP) for bigeye tuna. Sponsored by Australia, the Maldives, Pakistan, Tanzania, South Africa, and the European Union, the proposal received broad support from member governments before adoption was finalized at the close of the IOTC Commission meeting today. […]
Leer más12 de mayo de 2022
May is gearing up to be a big month for the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC), as members plan to hold four policy and science meetings over the next two weeks. Two of those meetings – the Technical Committee on Management Procedures (TCMP) on May 13-14 and IOTC’s annual Commission meeting on May 16-20, will […]
Leer más5 de mayo de 2022
It’s been over a decade since ICCAT began implementing science-based quotas to help recover Atlantic bluefin, the largest of the tuna species. It now appears that the species is on the verge of locking in those gains using one of the most effective forms of management – a harvest strategy. Next week’s Panel 2 meeting, to […]
Leer más15 de diciembre de 2021
2021 marked a significant year for the proliferation of harvest strategies across tuna regional fishery management organizations (tRFMOs). First introduced to tRFMOs with the adoption of a harvest strategy for southern bluefin tuna a decade ago, this approach is now under development or in place at every single tRFMO, including in the Atlantic, Pacific, and […]
Leer más22 de noviembre de 2021
A bad dream for sustainable seafood: consumers who search in vain for certified sustainable tuna on the shelves of their supermarkets, the tuna-trade and Pacific Island nations without a compass for their currently healthy-stocks of tuna and the building of sustainable fisheries management policies in the tuna fishery collapsing. Only a bad dream for the oceans and the markets? […]
Leer más10 de noviembre de 2021
There are 27 Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certified tuna fisheries in the western and central Pacific Ocean (WCPO), as well as an additional 5 fisheries currently seeking MSC certification, representing over two million tonnes of certified and potentially certified tuna within the supply chain each year; or 73% of the global production of MSC-certified tuna. These certifications […]
Leer más3 de noviembre de 2021
The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) will hold its 27th Regular Meeting of the Commission on 15-23 November, the first Commission meeting since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Last year’s annual meeting was canceled, and all vital ICCAT business was conducted entirely over email, which made substantive decision-making nearly impossible […]
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