IATTC passes the baton to WCPFC to adopt first ever harvest strategy by a Pacific tRFMO
Lack of effective RFMO management of tuna fisheries threatening US commercial entities
RFMOs’ consensus-based decision-making system failing to provide sustainable fisheries management
IOTC meeting: Harvest strategies for bigeye tuna a good move, says Pew Charitable Trusts’ Glen Homes
Major progress on bigeye management – but shortfalls on other species
European Seafood Market Stakeholders Urge Adoption of Science-Based, Sustainable Tuna Management in the Atlantic
La hora de una gestión sostenible de nuestro atún
Bolton backs calls for ICCAT to establish new tuna harvest strategies
To Shore Up Indian Ocean Tuna Fisheries, Managers Must Make Reforms
Fisheries Managers Should Promote Solutions That Ease Debates Over Harvest Limits