Artículos en la categoría: Blog

The Ocean Foundation and FAO launch groundbreaking knowledge hub for fisheries management

2 novembre 2022 is clearinghouse of information on development and implementation of harvest strategies

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Blog invité: La « Stratégie de Pêche » une dernière innovation pour la gestion de pêche.

4 octobre 2022

La gestion traditionnelle des ressources halieutiques est un processus en deux étapes : i) les scientifiques évaluent les stocks par différents modèles numériques, ii) puis les gestionnaires de la pêche gèrent les pêcheries par des quotas ou des fermetures spatio-temporelles. Mais, les évaluations des stocks, sont souvent accompagnées d’incertitudes en raison des données incomplètes sur l’éco- biologie et la dynamique de l’espèce, sur la pêcherie et sur les variabilités océanographiques et climatiques.

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Open letter seeks to steer the world’s largest tuna fishery from delaying one of the best opportunities to safeguard its future

28 septembre 2022

In global politics, it’s easy for the world’s largest economic powers to crowd the room and dominate the discussion. But within the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC),

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New Animation Celebrates the Remarkable Story of the Southern Bluefin Tuna

16 septembre 2022

A new animation was just released about one of the bright spots in marine conservation, and part of the blueprint for a sustainable future.

In 2011, an international team of fisheries scientists published the first standardized, global assessment of tunas and billfishes, revealing the worrisome futures these animals faced from fishing around the world. Leading the trend, of the 61 species they analyzed, the Southern bluefin tuna was singled out as the most endangered […]

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Guest Blog: Harvest strategies for depleted herring stock deserve stronger political will

14 septembre 2022

Atlantic herring are important to the ocean ecosystem and economy on Canada’s East Coast. However, the largest stock in the area, officially known as the 4VWX Southwest Nova Scotia/Bay of Fundy Spawning component, has shown worrying declines for many years. Historic landings […]

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Pacific Saury, in decline, will benefit from MSE

9 septembre 2022

Pacific saury, a small fish with a big role in the ecosystem, is also an important food source in several nations. However, the stock is both overfished and experiencing overfishing. To rebuild Pacific saury and sustain a productive and predictable fishery, the North Pacific Fisheries Commission (NPFC) is developing a management procedure (MP). NPFC will […]

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To feed the world, harvest control rules needed for tunas, leading report urges

7 septembre 2022

Feeding the world’s growing population will require fisheries management to become more effective. Fortunately, we know how to do that. And putting in place harvest control rules in tuna fisheries is an important step to ensuring their long-term productivity for the people whose jobs and food security rely on them. […]

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Delaying a harvest strategy poses risks to Pacific skipjack

30 août 2022

Ensuring the world’s largest tuna fishery remains sustainable for the long term should be a top priority among the many different member nations of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC). Despite that, the road to developing a management procedure for skipjack tuna has been a long one. A hopeful step, however, was taken recently when members of the WCPFC […]

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Guest Blog: Setting our Sights on Fisheries Management Success through Harvest Strategies

10 août 2022

With terms like target and trigger, one may be forgiven if they mistook a conversation about harvest strategies for one about shooting sports. Nonetheless, it’s an appropriate metaphor for international fisheries management, which has come under fire to improve its performance. Until the mid-20thcentury, fisheries were largely unregulated with very few controls beyond the inherent […]

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IATTC passes the baton to WCPFC to adopt first ever harvest strategy by a Pacific tRFMO

5 août 2022

A historic opportunity to adopt the first ever harvest strategy by a regional fisheries management organization dedicated to tunas (tRFMO) in the Pacific Ocean went unfinished this week at the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission’s (IATTC) 100th meeting held in Phoenix, Arizona, USA. After seven years of development, including management strategy evaluation (MSE) testing and a […]

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