31 de mayo de 2023
Adopting harvest strategies is key to achieving a sustainable and profitable future for the region’s critical tuna fisheries.
Leer más6 de junio de 2023
International agreements provide principles and guidance for the management of highly migratory fish stocks, including support for reference points-based management. Seventy States and the European Union have ratified the United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement of 1995. The treaty calls on States to take a number of steps, including to “… determine, on the basis of the best scientific information available, stock-specific reference points and the action to be taken if they are exceeded…” Now is the time to put those steps into practice.
Leer más31 de mayo de 2023
An alternative approach, known as “harvest strategies” or “management procedures,” is emerging as the next innovation in fisheries management.
Leer más31 de mayo de 2023
Harvest strategies are emerging as a critical innovation in fisheries management. Understanding the terms used to describe the many steps in the process will help fisheries managers and other stakeholders effectively apply the practices described in this toolkit. Consistent definitions provide a universal frame of reference for discussing harvest strategies and the concepts involved.
Leer más31 de mayo de 2023
To ensure the efficiency of the harvest strategy development process, RFMOs must establish fora for scientists, managers and stakeholders to exchange views when determining the crucial components of a harvest strategy. The best option for achieving this is through science-management dialogue groups (SMDs), which provide the opportunity for scientists and managers to discuss decisions needed to advance a harvest strategy.
Leer más31 de mayo de 2023
Harvest control rules provide more benefits than the traditional approach of conducting stock assessments and then negotiating fishing limits or quotas
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Management strategy evaluation (MSE) is a tool that scientists and managers can use to simulate the workings of a fisheries system and allow them to test whether potential harvest strategies—or management procedures— can achieve pre-agreed management objectives.
Leer más31 de mayo de 2023
Tuna regional fisheries management organizations are generally guided by an overarching mandate to maintain populations at or above the level that can produce maximum sustainable yield
Leer más31 de mayo de 2023
Reference points are the benchmarks that scientists and managers use to compare the current status of a stock or fishery to a desirable (or undesirable) state.
Leer más31 de mayo de 2023
An examination of existing harvest strategies showcases the range of approaches and what success can look like.
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