8 de noviembre de 2023
The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) made history in 2022 by adopting the first ever multi-stock management procedure (MP) for tuna with Eastern and Western Atlantic bluefin. This MP should be finalized this year by adopting an exceptional circumstances protocol (ECP’s) that would guide management in the case of unforeseen events […]
Leer más30 de octubre de 2023
Author——————————- Steven AdolfSenior Consultant – Sustainable Fisheries and Ocean ManagementAuthor of “Tuna Wars”✉️ Based on outcomes of recent negotiations on the management of Northeast Atlantic pelagic fish stocks (mackerel, blue whiting and atlanto-scandian herring), the North-East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC) and associated coastal states must urgently revise how they make decisions, involve stakeholders, and function as […]
Leer más17 de octubre de 2023
In April of this year, Harveststrategies.org and FAO announced, “a bold new partnership to promote harvest strategy development and implementation for international tuna fisheries.” This four-year project aims to expand the knowledge base among fishery managers, scientists, industry, and other stakeholders on the benefits of harvest strategies (i.e., management procedures) for sustainable management of international […]
Leer más27 de septiembre de 2023
Will the countries catching Pacific saury cooperate to save the fishery?
Leer más16 de agosto de 2023
The sound of the gavel at the Commission’s conclusion ushered in a new era of sustainable fisheries management for the eastern Pacific. IATTC has now joined the club of other tRFMOs that have applied MSE and harvest strategies for their fisheries, and a growing community of RFMOs that are formalizing their focus on climate change.
Leer más23 de agosto de 2023
This week, as the 19th Scientific Committee (SC) of WCPFC convenes, a new study can help inform the ongoing evaluation of proposed management measures for skipjack, bigeye and yellowfin tuna in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean (WCPO).
Leer más14 de agosto de 2023
Pacific fishery managers just received a dose of good news: The management procedure for skipjack tuna – the largest tuna fishery in the world – was run for the first time and works as expected.
Leer más11 de mayo de 2023
Next week, IATTC’s Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) will convene for its 14th annual meeting to discuss and finalize scientific recommendations to the upcoming Commission meeting where measures can be adopted.
Leer más2 de mayo de 2023
On May 2nd, World Tuna Day celebrates the day in 2016 that governments around the world publicly agreed on the need to manage tuna stocks sustainably, emphasizing the importance of conservation management.
Leer más17 de abril de 2023
The Ocean Foundation just signed a 4-year agreement with the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to produce a series of educational and outreach materials on harvest strategies.
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