28 de marzo de 2024
Author——————————- Steven Adolf Senior Consultant – Sustainable Fisheries and Ocean ManagementAuthor of “Tuna Wars”✉️ The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) is the most reliable certification organization when it comes to setting a standard for sustainable fisheries and a sustainable supply chain. But with the recent postponement of a number of announced measures around the new Standard 3.0 […]
Leer más5 de abril de 2024
Tuna is an important global business, as well as a critical source of both protein and livelihoods for many around the globe. Therefore, it is critical that they are effectively and sustainably managed. Five Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs) are charged with that responsibility, overseeing tuna fisheries management in their respective regions that collectively cover over […]
Leer más3 de abril de 2024
Small pelagic fishes, like sauries, mackerels and sardines, are sought after as important sources of fish oil and food for both humans and domestic animals. They also play a critical role in the well-being of their ecosystems as prey for a variety of species, including commercially important tunas and billfish. These so-called forage fishes also […]
Leer más1 de marzo de 2024
Author——————————- Hilario MuruaSenior Scientist, International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF)✉️ With 4.8 million tonnes caught annually, tuna are one of the world’s most popular and nutritious seafood species, fundamental to global food security and serving as an economic engine for many coastal communities. It is essential that the regional fisheries management organizations (RFMOs), charged with overseeing […]
Leer más22 de diciembre de 2023
Author——————————- David GershmanOfficer, International Fisheries✉️ When the annual meeting of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) wrapped up December 8th after a marathon 19-hour final day of negotiations in Rarotonga, Cook Islands, members had made significant progress in the development of harvest strategies for skipjack and albacore tunas. Fisheries for skipjack tuna from […]
Leer más18 de diciembre de 2023
2023 began with high expectations for harvest strategies at the tuna-RFMOs. 2022 saw adoption of harvest strategies for 4 tuna stocks, and another four priority stocks were on track for 2023 adoption. At the end of 2022, the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) adopted a multi-stock harvest strategy for Atlantic bluefin […]
Leer más29 de noviembre de 2023
The sudden closure of the east Bering Sea snow crab fishery for the 2022-2023 season, and now extended for the 2023-2024 season, shocked stakeholders, scientists, and other fisheries experts around the world. For a fishery once worth $132 million per year and popularized by the reality-tv show Deadliest Catch, the speed, social impact, and potential […]
Leer más27 de noviembre de 2023
Author——————————- David GershmanOfficer, International Fisheries✉️ The western and central Pacific is the world’s largest source of canned tuna. Skipjack tuna and albacore tuna are the two species predominantly caught for the canned tuna market and which are valued at $10 billion. When the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) meets Dec. 4-8 in Rarotonga, […]
Leer más4 de diciembre de 2023
Author——————————- Claire van der GeestPrincipal, Seven Seas Consulting✉️ Harvest strategies improve fisheries management by setting the parameters and boundaries for stakeholder engagement in fisheries management from the outset. In the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC), harvest strategies are being actively progressed through Conservation and Management Measure 2014-06 to develop and implement a harvest […]
Leer más21 de noviembre de 2023
Author——————————- Shana Miller Project Director, International Fisheries Conservation – The Ocean Foundation ✉️ We had high hopes for harvest strategies at the 2023 meeting of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), which just met for 8 days in Cairo, Egypt. Yet, when the gavel dropped yesterday, there was very little progress […]
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